
The Class Walk-Thru

The live online class will teach the following:

Transformational Needs

Leaders are in the business of transforming people. But transformation responds to the fulfillment of the needs of the people. Leaders who supply the needs of the people stands to be very effective.

  • Show that leaders have responsibility for meeting the needs of thepeople.
  • Identify the proirity needs of the people.
  • Analyse how meeting the needs brings about transformation.
  • Demonstrate the gaps that arises between 'needs' and 'wants' of the people
  • Conclude that transformation is impossible without the supply of the needs
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Emergence of Gaps

When leaders and their teams fall short of performance expectations, the implied gap is always a reflection something that is lacking in the approach of the former.

  • Show that gaps in the leader's approach lead to gaps in the fulfillment of the mandate.
  • Discuss 12 critical gaps that result from the leader-follower relationship.
  • Suggest how the identified gaps can be bridged.
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One Thing That is Lacking

When the performance prospects of the leader remain strong but result fall short of targets, it suggest that 'one thing' is lacking. Until the 'one thing' lacking is found, performance will not improve.

  • Examine what may be lacking in the conduct of your leadership assignment.
  • Find out whether it is really 'one thing' or there are more things.
  • Cultivate the discipline to take steps to bridge the gap due to what is missing.
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The Reward for Bridging Gaps

When gaps exist in leadership performance and effectiveness, it adverse affects the reward due to the leader. The gap weaken results and that in turn reduces the leader's reward.

  • Analyse the structure of the leader's reward.
  • Show that reward is suboptimal when gaps remain
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