
The Class Walk-Thru

The live online class is broken into 6 sections:

Section 1:
How Character Drives Performance

Leaders are in the business of transforming people. But transformation responds to the fulfillment of the needs of the people. Leaders who supply the needs of the people stands to be very effective.

  • Show that leaders have responsibility for meeting the needs of thepeople.
  • Identify the proirity needs of the people.
  • Analyse how meeting the needs brings about transformation.
  • Demonstrate the gaps that arises between 'needs' and 'wants' of the people
  • Conclude that transformation is impossible without the supply of the needs
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Section 2:
The Make Up of Strong Character 

Leaders are in the business of transforming people. But transformation responds to the fulfillment of the needs of the people. Leaders who supply the needs of the people stands to be very effective.

  • Show that leaders have responsibility for meeting the needs of thepeople.
  • Identify the proirity needs of the people.
  • Analyse how meeting the needs brings about transformation.
  • Demonstrate the gaps that arises between 'needs' and 'wants' of the people
  • Conclude that transformation is impossible without the supply of the needs
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Section 3:
How Strong Character is Developed

Leaders are in the business of transforming people. But transformation responds to the fulfillment of the needs of the people. Leaders who supply the needs of the people stands to be very effective.

  • Show that leaders have responsibility for meeting the needs of thepeople.
  • Identify the proirity needs of the people.
  • Analyse how meeting the needs brings about transformation.
  • Demonstrate the gaps that arises between 'needs' and 'wants' of the people
  • Conclude that transformation is impossible without the supply of the needs
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Section 4:
An Assessment of Your Character Status

Based on the clear description of strong character, each one will be assisted to undertake how they are currently fairing in character. It is intended to show why your performance is or has been a struggle.

  • Attempt to describe with accuracy the character of participants using the framework earlier outlined
  • Instructive information providing insight into the root cause of non-performance.
  • Develop a personal character map that can serve as a basis for tracking progress in character development.
  • Assess the performance risk associated with each person based on their estaboished character map.
  • Distill the specific areas of character where improvement must be pursued and achieved if performance must improve.
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Section 5:
The Imperative of a Character 'Fast'

The character 'fast' will be determined once the Character Status Assessment has been done. It will show the content, depth, and length that the required 'character fast' will take.

  • Attempt to justify the need for a character fast
  • Put together the 'prescription' for the fast
  • Suggest obstacles to prepare for during the fast.
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Section 6:
The External Help You Need for Change

Recall that we stated emphatically character does not lend itself self-help. We indicate our avaiability to offer the much needed credible and adequate support to make a success of the performance transformation imperative.

  • Undertake on a personal specific basis all that we have outlined in the foregoing, especially in Section 4 & 5 the result of which is a person-specific program of change, one that can be closely monitored to ensure progress and ultimate success.
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